Research community

Join our community of researchers today to forge connections, find industry and academic collaborators, and learn about the latest in alternative protein science.

Scientific congress poster presentation chowing the research community networking and sharing knowledge
Credit: Dennis Schroeder/NREL

Join the growing alternative protein research community

Paper published in Nature Biotechnology about the career opportunities available to the research community with alternative proteins

The field of alternative protein development comprises a growing community of academics from across multiple disciplines. Our paper published in Nature Biotech explores the various reasons why this is a fascinating area of study, and the countless opportunities for researchers entering the space.

Still a student? Our students and educators page also has a great collection of resources and courses to help break into this fascinating field.

The alternative protein researcher directory

Use this directory to connect with European researchers who are active in the alternative protein space or are looking to apply their expertise to this field. This directory also indicates what kinds of collaborative work researchers are interested in exploring with students, labs, and companies.

If you are working on alternative proteins science (or you might like to do so in the future) and want to raise your profile in the global research community, you can apply to join the directory here.

Meet some of Europe’s alternative protein scientists

Check out our Meet the Researcher blog series, talking to alternative protein scientists about their work and hearing their advice for researchers looking to join this rapidly evolving and hugely exciting field.

Ute Weisz

Meet the researcher: Filling the missing gaps in our plant-based knowledge with Professor Ute Weisz

A researcher investigating new ways of turning underused crops into tasty and nutritious products says far more work will be…

Andrea Araiza Calahorra

Meet the researcher: Chewing the fat about healthier plant-based foods with Andrea Araiza Calahorra

Name: Dr Andrea Araiza Calahorra  Job title: Technical Director Organisation: MicroLub Alternative protein specialism: Plant-based meat A career spent analysing…

Cultivated meat Italian researcher Alessandro Bertero

Meet the researcher: Building support for cultivated meat in Italy with Alessandro Bertero

An Italian researcher has turned to the public to fund a project he believes has the potential to scale up…

Dr Petra Kluger

Meet the researcher: Using biomedical insights to advance cultivated meat with Petra Kluger

Dr Petra Kluger, who moved into cultivated meat after a career in tissue engineering, says greater collaboration between scientists from…

Meet the researcher: Boosting alternative protein research at ICL’s new Bezos Centre for Sustainable Proteins with Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro

A new centre based at Imperial College London aims to revolutionise the development of alternative proteins.

Meet the researcher: How researching plant-based foods changed this scientist’s perspective on processed products

As a researcher investigating the barriers stopping people from embracing more plant-based foods, Sarah Nájera Espinosa has plenty of personal…

Meet the researchers: Tapping into the unexplored potential of an ancient technology

A technological twist on a widely used food production system is enabling researchers to develop tasty and nutritious new products.

APP 2024: join the student movement shaping the future of food

From Portugal to Türkiye – students across Europe are taking a leading role in a global movement turning universities into…

Science events

View our calendar of key events in the alternative protein calendar, including conferences, webinars, and summits.

Sustainable protein innovation priorities initiative

Join the GFIdeas community

Become a part of our GFIdeas community of scientists, students, entrepreneurs and subject matter experts who are driving alternative protein innovation.

Explore more of our science resources

Alternative protein science

Explore all of our science resources.

Research funding

Learn more about key projects and available research funding for alternative protein projects.

Open access tools and resources

Explore our library of free-to access resources on plant-based, cultivated and fermentation-made meat, seafood, eggs and dairy.

Resources for students and educators

Learn more about available courses, how to get alternative proteins on the curriculum at your institution, and our Alternative Protein Project university chapters.

Get in touch

David Hunt

Research Support Manager

David leads our work to foster a thriving research community for alternative proteins across Europe.