Contact the Good Food Institute Europe's press office, access free cultivated meat photos and find media resources on sustainable proteins.
Contact the Good Food Institute Europe's press office, access free cultivated meat photos and find media resources on sustainable proteins.
Pflanzenbasiertes und kultiviertes Fleisch und Lebensmittel auf Basis von modernen Fermentationsverfahren tragen maßgeblich zur Lösung von zahlreichen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen bei.
Die neuesten Blogs, Pressemitteilungen und Updates des Good Food Institute Europe.
Das Good Food Institute Europe stärkt die rolle von alternativen Proteinquellen für ein nachhaltiges, sicheres und gerechtes Ernährungssystem.
Fermentation in 2021: the competitive landscape, innovation opportunities, product and ingredient applications, investment trends, regulatory status, and more.
DownloadGFI Europe's response to the consultation on the European Green Deal Call under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation initiative.
The Good Food Institute Europe's response to the consultation on the EU's upcoming Farm to Fork Strategy for Sustainable Food.
GFI Europe and 20 others wrote to the European Commission calling for Horizon Europe research funding for plant-based and cultivated meat, eggs, dairy and seafood.