European messaging for cultivated meat
Sophie ArmourWhat do consumers in France, Germany, Italy and Spain think about cultivated meat – and how can we explain the positive benefits in each language?
What do consumers in France, Germany, Italy and Spain think about cultivated meat – and how can we explain the positive benefits in each language?
Find consultants who can offer insights to help you evaluate plant-based, fermentation and cultivated meat companies you're considering investing in.
The plant-based and cultivated seafood industry’s commercial landscape, investment, US sales data and consumer insights from 2021.
DownloadHow to explain the science of plant-based, cultivated meat and fermentation to the public in plain, accessible language.
DownloadPlant-based in 2021: new product development, investment analytics, scientific and technical advancements, consumer insights, regulatory developments, and more.
DownloadCultivated meat in 2021: the commercial landscape, investment statistics, regulatory and industry developments, scientific progress, research priorities, and more.
DownloadFermentation in 2021: the competitive landscape, innovation opportunities, product and ingredient applications, investment trends, regulatory status, and more.
DownloadStudy of the cost of producing cultivated meat at scale, conducted by independent researchers CE Delft.