Spotlight on… Finland – the north star of alternative proteins
Carlotte LucasFinland has become an alternative protein powerhouse over recent years – not that you would know that from talking to people who live there.
Finland has become an alternative protein powerhouse over recent years – not that you would know that from talking to people who live there.
A first-of-its-kind analysis has revealed the rapid growth of European alternative protein research – with more than a quarter of all studies published last year amid record funding.
Across Europe, researchers are finding new ways of using well-established technologies to develop sustainable fat with the same the complex flavour as conventional meat.
European governments have announced a grand total of nearly half a billion euros of funding to develop sustainable proteins according to new figures released by the Good Food Institute (GFI).
In Deutschland sind die Venture-Capital-Investitionen in alternative Proteine auf den Stand von 2020 zurückgefallen — hier ist der Sektor vor allem durch Partnerschaften und strategische Investitionen von etablierten Unternehmen weiter gewachsen.
New data reveals sustainable protein companies across Europe raised €579 million ($622 million) in investment last year – nearly 24% more than in 2021 – despite strong global economic headwinds.