Public research funding

Blog Cultivated

“We will have to leave because we don’t have a future here.” Italian researchers fear brain drain in wake of controversial cultivated meat ban

Conrad Astley

Following the controversial cultivated meat ban, some fear an exodus of talented young scientists – particularly unwelcome given nearly 10% of Italians already live abroad – while others are concerned the move may cut off future funding opportunities and damage the country’s scientific standing on the global stage.

Blog Cultivated

Cultivated meat backed by UK government’s new National Vision for Engineering Biology

The UK's Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) has today highlighted the critical role that alternative proteins like cultivated meat can play in achieving key national objectives for economic growth and food production as part of the National Vision for Engineering Biology.

Blog Cultivated

Horizon Europe alternative protein funding calls for 2024 – everything you need to know

Stella Child

The latest Horizon Europe deadlines are fast approaching, with calls offering exciting opportunities closing early in 2024. Our Research and Grants Manager Stella Child walks through the key calls for alternative protein researchers.

Plant-based food products
Blog Industry

Over 50% of Europeans are eating less meat, but taste and price remain biggest barriers to plant-based uptake

Conrad Astley

More than half of European consumers are eating less meat, but taste and price remain the biggest barriers to wider adoption of plant-based foods, a major study has found.

Blog Fermentation

Catalunya destina 7 milions d’euros a la investigació de proteïnes alternatives

Conrad Astley

The Good Food Institute Europe, l'organització que promou l'avanç de les proteïnes sostenibles, celebra la inversió de 7 milions d'euros realitzada pel Govern català en un centre de recerca destinat a promoure el desenvolupament de formes sostenibles de produir anàlegs de carn.

Blog Fermentation

Cataluña destina 7 millones de euros a la investigación de proteínas alternativas

Conrad Astley

Una de las inversiones más grandes jamás realizadas en proteínas alternativas en toda España. El centro ayudará a las empresas a aumentar la producción de alimentos sostenibles de origen vegetal y fermentación.