Plant-based meat

The new European Commission can boost EU competitiveness through protein diversification
Blog GFI Europe

Plant-based meat and milk are now mainstream choices for British consumers

Linus Pardoe

There’s no doubt it’s been a tough few years for the UK’s plant-based sector – in common with other parts of the food and drink industry. But after a rollercoaster of sudden growth followed by struggling sales, there are now signs of stabilisation. 

Blog Industry

Planting the seeds of change – how Europe’s farmers can reap the benefits of plant-based foods

Elena Walden

As the appetite for plant-based food grows across Europe, these products present new opportunities for farmers to produce the raw ingredients they need.

Plant-based food products
Blog Industry

Over 50% of Europeans are eating less meat, but taste and price remain biggest barriers to plant-based uptake

Conrad Astley

More than half of European consumers are eating less meat, but taste and price remain the biggest barriers to wider adoption of plant-based foods, a major study has found.

Blog Fermentation

Catalunya destina 7 milions d’euros a la investigació de proteïnes alternatives

Conrad Astley

The Good Food Institute Europe, l'organització que promou l'avanç de les proteïnes sostenibles, celebra la inversió de 7 milions d'euros realitzada pel Govern català en un centre de recerca destinat a promoure el desenvolupament de formes sostenibles de produir anàlegs de carn.