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Blog Plant-based

Meet the researcher: squeezing the protein out of plants with Dr Alan Javier Hernandez Alvarez

Conrad Astley

A career spent exploring the nutritional and health benefits of plant-based foods – along with an outsider’s perspective – has given Dr Alan Javier Hernandez Alvarez a unique insight into the challenges and opportunities facing the sector.

Blog Cultivated

Investitionen in europäische Unternehmen für alternative Proteine steigen um 24 % — Deutschland droht Anschluss zu verlieren

Ivo Rzegotta

In Deutschland sind die Venture-Capital-Investitionen in alternative Proteine auf den Stand von 2020 zurückgefallen — hier ist der Sektor vor allem durch Partnerschaften und strategische Investitionen von etablierten Unternehmen weiter gewachsen.

Blog Cultivated

Investment in sustainable protein up 24% in Europe for 2022 despite global economic turbulence

Conrad Astley

New data reveals sustainable protein companies across Europe raised €579 million ($622 million) in investment last year – nearly 24% more than in 2021 – despite strong global economic headwinds.

Blog Cultivated

Alt Protein Project: join the students driving sustainable protein research across Europe

Martina Helmlinger

Our Science and Technology Community Coordinator Martina Helmlinger on the exciting work of the Alt Protein Project and how students can get involved.