2023 round-up: finding the levers to move alternative proteins forward
Emily JohnsonThis year has been pivotal for alternative proteins, particularly in Europe. Here is our round-up of GFI Europe's 2023 highlights.
This year has been pivotal for alternative proteins, particularly in Europe. Here is our round-up of GFI Europe's 2023 highlights.
The Italian Chamber of Deputies has passed a law banning the production and marketing of cultivated meat and the use of meat-related names, such as 'salami' or 'steak', for plant-based meat products. The bill introduces fines between €10,000 and €60,000 for each violation.
The Italian Chamber of Deputies has passed a law banning the production and marketing of cultivated meat and the use of meat-related names, such as 'salami' or 'steak', for plant-based meat products. The bill introduces fines between €10,000 and €60,000 for each violation.
La recente relazione del Parlamento Europeo sulla EU Protein Strategy è un passo avanti verso una produzione e un consumo più sostenibili di proteine nell'Unione Europea.
Italy has withdrawn its proposals from the EU scrutiny process, but remains committed to passing law to ban cultivated meat and restrict plant-based labelling.
Il Governo Italiano ha sottratto all’esame dell’Unione europea il disegno di legge che vieta la produzione e la commercializzazione della carne coltivata e impedisce di usare termini come “salame” o “bistecca” per prodotti a base di proteine vegetali.
“La notizia diffusasi in Italia secondo cui la Commissione per l’Agricoltura e lo Sviluppo Rurale del Parlamento Europeo avrebbe adottato un divieto riguardante la carne coltivata è errata” hanno affermato gli esperti del think tank no-profit Good Food Institute Europe.
The newly formed Italian Complementary Protein Alliance, representing a cross-section of stakeholders with interests in Italy’s agri-food landscape, was unable to take part in the hearings as they only became public after the deadline for requesting participation had passed.
All’Alleanza Italiana per le Proteine Complementari, recentemente costituita, non è stato possibile prendere parte alle audizioni poiché sono diventate pubbliche solo quando il termine per poter partecipare era scaduto.
GFI Europe's new analysis of NielsenIQ data from 13 countries finds sales of plant-based foods grew to a record €5.7 billion in 2022.