Meaty names for plant-based meat: 7/10 Italians in favour
A new survey reveals that Italian consumers believe terms such as 'hamburger' and 'dairy' are appropriate for plant-based products.
A new survey reveals that Italian consumers believe terms such as 'hamburger' and 'dairy' are appropriate for plant-based products.
Italian Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida has told Parliament the government is talking to plant-based meat companies to hear their concerns about a ban on using ‘meaty’ terms.
Una restrizione inattuata, inapplicabile, che penalizza aziende e consumatori.
Although it was rejected at the EU level in 2020, attempts to restrict the language used by producers to describe their plant-based meat products have continued to rumble on in a handful of national contexts. However, recent decisions in France and Belgium are cause for optimism.
Dopo che non è stato possibile partecipare alle audizioni parlamentari, come Good Food Institute Europe abbiamo trasmesso alle Commissioni della Camera dei Deputati le nostre osservazioni sul disegno di legge governativo che vieta la carne coltivata in Italia e impedisce di usare termini come “salame” o “bistecca” per prodotti a base di proteine vegetali (A.C. 1324).
The newly formed Italian Complementary Protein Alliance, representing a cross-section of stakeholders with interests in Italy’s agri-food landscape, was unable to take part in the hearings as they only became public after the deadline for requesting participation had passed.
All’Alleanza Italiana per le Proteine Complementari, recentemente costituita, non è stato possibile prendere parte alle audizioni poiché sono diventate pubbliche solo quando il termine per poter partecipare era scaduto.
Neuer Report liefert Zahlen und Fakten zur kommerziellen und wissenschaftlichen Landschaft im Bereich alternativer Proteine, die das enorme Potenzial Deutschlands in diesem Bereich unterstreichen.
Exploring recent developments surrounding plant-based, cultivated and fermentation-made proteins exploring market development, the commercial landscape, investments and investors, the scientific landscape, surveys on the acceptance of alternative products, and 15 policy recommendations for Germany.
The comprehensive resource will be an invaluable tool for policymakers and stakeholders across the cultivated meat sector – check out our key take-homes from this landmark document.