Survey finds European consumers want freedom to choose cultivated meat
Surveys in 15 European countries find people believe food safety regulators should have the final say, despite moves to ban it in countries like Italy.
Surveys in 15 European countries find people believe food safety regulators should have the final say, despite moves to ban it in countries like Italy.
The government-funded report by the UK’s Royal Agricultural University, follows a two-year study in which researchers partnered with nine UK farms to see what cultivated meat could mean for their businesses.
A new centre based at Imperial College London aims to revolutionise the development of alternative proteins.
Σχεδόν το 45% των Ελλήνων* είναι πρόθυμο να δοκιμάσει καλλιεργημένο κρέας, εάν αυτό ήταν διαθέσιμο και ένα 17% θα αντικαθιστούσε κάποια ποσότητα από το κρέας που ήδη καταναλώνει με καλλιεργημένο κρέας, σύμφωνα με νέα έρευνα που διεξήχθη από το YouGov και ανατέθηκε από το ΜΚΟ think tank Good Food Institute Europe.
A new representative study indicates that 55% of respondents would at least try cultivated meat.
Une nouvelle étude représentative révèle que 55 % des répondants sont prêts à goûter au moins une fois la viande cultivée.
El 60% de los encuestados favorece su producción en España, viéndolo como un impulso económico gracias a la creación de empleos y el fomento de la I+D en la industria alimentaria.
Cultivated meat is emerging as a potential solution to make the food sector more sustainable. A large number of Dutch consumers also see this: 59% of those surveyed are interested in trying cultivated meat.
Kweekvlees is in opkomst als mogelijke oplossing om de voedingsindustrie te verduurzamen. Dat ziet ook een groot aantal Nederlandse consumenten in: 59% is geïnteresseerd in het proberen van kweekvlees.
A new survey has found a majority of Danish people would try cultivated meat – and 60% think it should be produced in Denmark to benefit the economy.