
Blog Fermentation

Catalunya destina 7 milions d’euros a la investigació de proteïnes alternatives

Conrad Astley

The Good Food Institute Europe, l'organització que promou l'avanç de les proteïnes sostenibles, celebra la inversió de 7 milions d'euros realitzada pel Govern català en un centre de recerca destinat a promoure el desenvolupament de formes sostenibles de produir anàlegs de carn.

Blog Fermentation

Cataluña destina 7 millones de euros a la investigación de proteínas alternativas

Conrad Astley

Una de las inversiones más grandes jamás realizadas en proteínas alternativas en toda España. El centro ayudará a las empresas a aumentar la producción de alimentos sostenibles de origen vegetal y fermentación.

Blog Fermentation

Catalonia invest €7 million in CiPA hub to lead alternative protein science in Southern Europe

Conrad Astley

The Center for Innovation in Alternative Proteins (CiPA), based across various sites throughout the region, has been funded by the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA).

Blog Cultivated

Alternative proteins in European food culture – chefs offer a serving of wisdom at Good Food Conference

Carlotte Lucas

Last week’s Good Food Conference was a fantastic opportunity to take stock of how far the global plant-based, cultivated meat and fermentation sectors have grown. Read some key highlights from Carlotte in our corporate engagement team who was on the ground at the event.

cultivated meatballs and spaghetti
Blog Cultivated

Italian parliamentary hearings on cultivated meat impossible to attend for key experts

Sophie Armour

The newly formed Italian Complementary Protein Alliance, representing a cross-section of stakeholders with interests in Italy’s agri-food landscape, was unable to take part in the hearings as they only became public after the deadline for requesting participation had passed. 

Blog Fermentation

How to overcome hurdles for plant-based and fermentation scale-up: a case study from Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park

Amy Williams

With economic headwinds facing the food sector, conducting sorely needed research and development into healthy, sustainable foods is harder than ever for companies. We visited a pilot plant seeking to lower the hurdles for companies looking to bring such innovations from concept to consumer. 

Blog Cultivated

Meet 7 researchers who used GFI research grants to help transform the future of food. Could you be next?

Conrad Astley

GFI's 2023 research grant programme is open for proposals. Meet some of the researchers at the cutting edge of this burgeoning sector, learn how their work was helped by our grant programme, and how to apply to this year's scheme.