GFI Europe

Palazzo Montecitorio
Comment Letter Regulation

Il Good Food Institute Europe  presenta le sue osservazioni al disegno di legge che vieta la carne coltivata in Italia

Dopo che non è stato possibile partecipare alle audizioni parlamentari, come Good Food Institute Europe abbiamo trasmesso alle Commissioni della Camera dei Deputati le nostre osservazioni sul disegno di legge governativo che vieta la carne coltivata in Italia e impedisce di usare termini come “salame” o “bistecca” per prodotti a base di proteine vegetali (A.C. 1324).

Blog Cultivated

Alternative proteins in European food culture – chefs offer a serving of wisdom at Good Food Conference

Carlotte Lucas

Last week’s Good Food Conference was a fantastic opportunity to take stock of how far the global plant-based, cultivated meat and fermentation sectors have grown. Read some key highlights from Carlotte in our corporate engagement team who was on the ground at the event.

Blog Cultivated

“Le dichiarazioni secondo cui il Parlamento Europeo avrebbe vietato la carne coltivata sono errate” afferma il think tank Good Food Europe 

Conrad Astley

“La notizia diffusasi in Italia secondo cui la Commissione per l’Agricoltura e lo Sviluppo Rurale del Parlamento Europeo avrebbe adottato un divieto riguardante la carne coltivata è errata” hanno affermato gli esperti del think tank no-profit Good Food Institute Europe.

Blog Cultivated

Meet 7 researchers who used GFI research grants to help transform the future of food. Could you be next?

Conrad Astley

GFI's 2023 research grant programme is open for proposals. Meet some of the researchers at the cutting edge of this burgeoning sector, learn how their work was helped by our grant programme, and how to apply to this year's scheme. 


GFI Europe impact update

Sarah Ellison

Dive into some of the highlights of GFI Europe’s work so far in 2023, made possible by our fantastic community of supporters.

A spread of healthy plant-based dishes, including innovative plant based meats that have benefited from government funding
Blog Cultivated

European government funding in sustainable proteins poised to hit half a billion euros, report finds

Conrad Astley

European governments have announced a grand total of nearly half a billion euros of funding to develop sustainable proteins according to new figures released by the Good Food Institute (GFI).

Lia-Alexis Hildebrandt

Lia-Alexis Hildebrandt

Lia engages with stakeholders from politics, nonprofits and media to accelerate Germany's transition to sustainable proteins and create a better European food system.