
Enough Foods Abunda mycoprotein
Blog Fermentation

A cow’s worth of protein every two minutes – how fermentation could feed millions

Sophie Armour

It might get less attention than some of the latest plant-based and cultivated meat innovations – but its flexibility, low production costs and the sheer simplicity of its inputs mean fermentation could soon be feeding millions of people.

Blog Cultivated

COP26: Why world leaders need to be talking about sustainable proteins

Alice Ravenscroft

GFI will be on the ground in Glasgow, encouraging national governments to include sustainable proteins – making meat from plants and cultivating it from cells – into their national plans.

UK Parliament
Blog Cultivated

Chancellor’s research fund could put UK at the forefront of global sustainable food industry

Elena Walden

A new way of thinking about how we feed our growing population is sweeping the planet – and the UK risks losing its chance to carve out a leadership role in this rapidly growing area.